
Get Involved
As a nonprofit organization we greatly rely on the kindness of volunteers to help us support more people. We are always looking for volunteers in the following areas:
Help us in the front office with a variety of tasks such as filing, mailings, and other administrative duties.
Help survivors cope with their loss and facilitate the natural grief process.
Community Outreach, Special Events & Fundraising
Volunteers participate in Health Fairs and community events, and assist with holiday celebrations and events.
Volunteer opportunities may be available in a patient’s home; at Keystone House, our residential care facility; or in a nursing home or assisted living residence, and may include:
- Listening to the concerns of the patient and family
- Providing companionship to the patient
- Reading to the patient or suggesting other activities
- Giving emotional support and reassurance to the patient, caregivers, or family
- Providing pastoral support to the patient
Keystone House Gardens
Help us maintain the lovely landscaping at Keystone House to ensure a place of relaxation and contemplation for residents.
Meals on Wheels
Assist with our meal delivery service.
- Prepare meals for delivery (10:30-11:30 am)
- Deliver meals to homebound seniors (M/W/F between 11:30 am and 12:30 pm)
Vigil volunteers provide companionship with a quiet presence through the dying process so that our hospice clients never need to be alone.
We appreciate your support! For more information about any of these volunteer opportunities, call: 215-836-2440, x329